Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A little day trip

After weeks of the same old landscape it was time for a change up. Sunday afternoon a co worker and I took off for a little adventure… to check Asia’s largest man made lake—2nd in the world.

The drive was awesome, a different landscape- hills, greenery without the honking of horns, swerving to avoid cows, or the usual craziness of the one lane roads . At one point I was momentarily picked up and transported home- it looked as if i was driving a back road in Ontario- Ohhh was a treat!

Jasiamand Lake was beautiful, large and expansive- it was as overcast, cool day (which is regarded as a beautiful day here when the norm is sunny and scorching).  I was the only foreigner around- the shore was crowded with local visitors with the very same idea for a Sunday afternoon adventure.IMG_8630

It wasn’t until I realized my co workers intention that my stomach formed knots- his idea of ‘taking in the lake’ was boarding a ferry to the island resort. Me? Take a rickety boat? on a lake? ARE YOU KIDDING?

I didn't have the luxury of being TOTALLY candid- after all my irrational fear of open bodies of water should not be shared with all the world’s people- instead I voiced my distrust but ultimately worked up the courage to disembark. IMG_8631

Satyameet signing our lives away…  IMG_8634

Don’t let the smile fool you- I was SO anxious!


My carefree escort!


I insisted on sitting at the back of the boat to equal out the weight distribution…but this only brought me closer to the water- SILLY GIRL!

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Why there were food rations on a boat that was not to travel for longer than 10 minutes… beats me?!


I made it! It wouldn’t say it was the most relaxing Sunday afternoon but nevertheless I was thankful for the opportunity to get out and have a little experience of my own- after caring for the experience of hundreds of young people the last couple weeks!

Hopefully I get to see more of this beautiful country with some down time due in September! Stay tuned….

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