Thursday, April 29, 2010

Somewhere between who I am and who you're making me...

Another amazing day, I am TOTALLY meant to be here! This morning we headed down early to try and upload some pictures but it just doesnt seem to want to let me do it anywhere so hang tight and I will work on it over the next couple days.
I was up on the balcony this morning playing with Miss. W- she was a ball of energy and very free giving with the smiles and giggles all I have to do is kiss her up or say her name and she smiles HUGE!
My balcony time was cut short this morning, a couple of us were asked to go up to Fort Jacque again and do some sorting and prepare supplies for distribution. Hope, myself, Robin and
Margaret, Dave and Colleen headed up there and we were SUPER productive and we had alot of fun doing it. First we moved around some boxes and organized material, we had to sort through boxes that were leaking shampoo and soaps and repack and clean them. We had a packed lunch of mystery meat sandwiches (not my fav) and cold Coke! After lunch we made a whole bunch of hygiene packs that will go in the distribution bags that we will either send to other charities and missions or distrbute ourselves in the surronding communities/ tent cities. These hygiene packs had one face cloth, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo and lotions. We had alot of fun in our assembly line and made a dent in the to-do list.
Returning back to the Main House Hope and I decided we needed some baby love, I took little B up- he is SOOOO tiny but is snuggles are amazing, he quickly fell asleep and I ate up every minute of it.
After dinner we went to do "bonnuit tibou" (goodnight kisses)- the babes are all lotioned and powdered up in their jammies - we sat on the floor and were attacked- we laughed and played! Mr. M who is an amazingggg little boy who is just waiting to go home runs around that nursery like he owns that place when you say "I love you" he says it right back, he was sitting on my lap and I said "Ti Bou" and he gave me a kiss smack dab on the lips! I LOVED the goodnight ritual tonight and you can just tell the kids loved the kisses and waited eagerly as we made our way through.
When we drove back up to the Toddler House we were a bit early tonight so all the kiddies were out playing, again we were attacked! These kids are FULL of energy I sat on the tarmack and they were right in my face, making faces, giggling, playing with my camera.

Today was just one of those days that I enjoyed every minute, I was able to let loose love up those babies and realize how incredibly lucky I am to meet these children and be a part of their lives. Every time I return I grow, I learn and I change--> right now I am somewhere between where I was 4 years ago before setting foot in Haiti and who Haiti is making me.
Haiti Cherie je t'aime.
More tomorrow .... thinking about you all at home tonight loving you all!

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