In many ways I am a realist… ‘need to see it to believe it’ kind of girl.
But this week when I sat down with an astrologist to have my palm read…. I waivered (slightly) in my stronghold on realism.
Astrology is deeply entrenched in the Hindu customs here in India, marriages are arranged, weddings booked (down to the exact time) based on the alignment of the planets (among many other things). Astrologists are ‘called’ to the profession and it is a lifelong journey to become attuned.
Although intrigued, I actually needed to test out this practice for a potential programming piece for upcoming adult groups visiting India- all in a days work!
This professional palm reader was just that, very professional, well spoken and very informative. He spent quite some time explaining to the practice, his passion and the steps involved. He asked me a number of questions (# of siblings, favourite colour and number etc.) and based on the exact time he created a chart that outlined the planets arrangements in my present life. Now I am simplifying this; but from the end result he was able to tell me that the last month has been a very stressful and challenging month- heck yes! (among a couple of other things). He told me he would be able to give me MORE information if I could recall my exact birth time (which would help him determine the planet alignment at that time) which of course I couldn't- will need to ask Momma Bear that question.
Then he asked me to turn over my palm of my dominant hand.
He examined my finger length and palm size, the cushy parts of my palm, certain lines and even my nail beds. We had a very interesting conversation- a couple highlights…
1. He told me that I am inclined to give 100% to every relationship, because of this and the time and energy it requires I need to be selective in my friendships to ensure it is reciprocated. (My friends have been MORE than I can ask for since I moved- but noted!)
2. He said I have strong leadership capabilities, a dominance in my profession and ability to manage others- when I reach 28+ I will have even bigger opportunities to lead. (Bring it on!)
3. He told me when I settle down with my partner it will be a long lasting partnership that is cool and calm. (Even when I asked he couldn't tell me when I would find this partner- but assured me it could happen anytime after August 6th)
4. He told me I will never have to really worry about money or employment- opportunities will always come my way- he predicted I would be working in social work/welfare. (Phew!)
5. He told me my palm indicate good health well into my 80’s
6. He told me I need to slow down on decision making, don’t rush the process and look at all sides of a scenario. (Noted!)
7. He told me my emotions/ reactions were readily available to others- SO true, I can be read like a book (not ALWAYS a fault… right?).
8. He asked me if I believe in ghosts- because he felt as though I have some special spirits around me who are available to guide me. (Grumpa & Gramma I sure hope it is you!)
I have deemed this overall a worthwhile exercise…although I remain slighty sceptical I am intrigued!
All in a days work!
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