Friday, December 9, 2011

Namaste Udaipur

After the 20+ hours in flight to get to Hong Kong the last thing I wanted to do was get on another plane a week later to make the trek to India. But someone was looking out for me… on both flights I snagged myself a free seat beside me- which mean I could SLEEP! Such a blessing!

My only mishap was the food! Flying with Jet Airways- an India airline means the food is almost always Curry infused ( I can handle curry but really… airplane curry? not the best!). I opted for the Vegetarian option (I am seriously contemplating vegetarianism after my stay in Hong Kong)- the first bite brought me to tears… yes TEARS. I have experienced spicy curry- but this was like no other. It hurt… it burnt… I cried like a baby! I don't know what it was and I was too embarrassed to ask as I watched all the people beside me gulping it up. Needless to say I went hungry that flight and even opted for McDonalds French Fries when I landed.

But I have been relatively mishap free since I landed in Udaipur! My group does not arrive until the 10th (tomorrow) which means I have had the opportunity to work alongside the Free the Children/ Me to We team here in Udaipur!

I have wandered out here and there… once to the grocery store but I couldn't escape the glaring eyes. I also couldn’t figure out how to weigh the fruits and vegetables so I walked out empty handed- such a goof!

Yesterday Honey (my co- facilitator here in India) brought me to visit the community we will be working in over the next two weeks- Bagad. It is a very different landscape than the last community we stayed in- our group will be helping to finish up some last minute work on the school building which is set to open in January.

And to then today I ventured out to the market  in the “Old City” that I came to love during my last trip. Cows milling about, motorcycles and rickshaws galore, friendly people demanding your attention and new found friendship. Although I was alone this time I didn't have one moment of discomfort.


























While in the Old City I  had the opportunity to visit a good friend of mine, Ricky. He was our in country facilitator during my last trip in August and he no longer works for Free the Children. So I was so thankful for the opportunity to visit with him!

We chatted, caught up and then walked further to the lake where we could watch the sunset…IMG_7688




To get home I took my first Rickshaw or “Auto” as they call it here… another first on this trip (mind you Ricky helped me negotiate the price and gave directions!) I still felt very adventurous!


Now back at the office I am anxious for my group to arrive tomorrow, looking forward to getting to the community and getting to work.

There is no phone reception or internet access there so I am officially offline now until Dec 23rd!

Please keep our group in your thoughts and prayers- no sicknesses and safe travels!

All the best and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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