I have met some incredible people during my stays in Haiti. People who encourage me to push on, people who inspire me to dream bigger, people who fuel my passion and love for Haiti and its many complexities.
Rhyan Buettner is one of those people. She is a friend who continues to amaze me on a DAILY basis, everytime we talk she has made headway on a new development, she has a pushed the envelope, she has made one of her many dreams come true.
Today is one of those days. Over the last couple months Rhyan has been doing everything in her power to get "Espwa Berlancia" off the ground, a organization that's main aim is to provide care for children in Haiti afflicated by HIV/AIDS, empower the community to take hold of this epidemic and provide a source of HOPE (Espwa).
She has finally secured a home in Legonane which will be the future home of 5-7 children with HIV.
Please consider reading her blog post and providing a small donation to aid in the start up of this incredible project- I know I will be!
Much love,
I am so excited about this, the house is perfect!