There is not a day that goes by that I am not thinking about those beautiful babies, everyday I speak to young people reliving my experiences striving to empower them to take action in their own community or within our communities throughout the world.

I have recently been granted the opportunity to lead a trip to Haiti through Rayjon Sharecare this coming March 2011. Rayjon is the charity that first lead me to Haiti 5 years ago. This opportunity is trully a dream come true, not only will I be able to share my love for this incredible country with a group of fresh eyes but I will be able to learn from two of my personal mentors and grow in my knowledge of Haiti and its complexities.
The purpose of this trip is AWARENESS, by showing trip participants Haiti, its beauty and its problems we hope to inspire the group to come home, share their story and evoke ACTION.
This trip will run approximately 10 days, we will be leading through Port Au Prince, the region hit hardest by the January 12th earthquake. We will also be visting the Kenscoff region in the mountains and the St. Marc area- the home of the Rayjon rural development project.
IT IS MY HOPE THAT I HAVE NOT NEXT EXHAUSTED BY SUPPORT NETWORK. Because Rayjon is a small grassroots charity all travel and expenses - even for trip leaders- come as a personal expense. AT THIS TIME I AM SEEKING MONETARY SUPPORT- PLEASE KNOW THAT ANY AND ALL DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED. All donations are tax deductible, and the deadline of my submission is January 2011. Please know that if you are unable to make a monetary donation your love and support is always valued.

If you are interested in contributing please contact me at
I will be more than happy to update you in preparation and throughout the trip. Please help me make this dream a reality!
All the best in Haiti love,
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