Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reminded everyday!

Waking up sooooooreeeee today! Every inch of my body hurt as I climbed down from the bunk this morning but all is good!
The walk was awesome this morning, quick pace with many many BONJOU's along the way, I LOVE witnessing "haiti newbees" take everything in, I love sharing my love for this country- its people, the environment and our beautiful babes!
This morning Hope, Stephanie and I started on some office work, as Melanie is leaving next week for good and has a LONG to-do list. We organized the files for the School Sponsorship program, this program is for sibilings of children who have been adopted out of GLA, forever families or any supporter can sponsor those sibilings remaining in Haiti to attend school, a program once very small is now ENORMOUS!
Needing some baby break I headed up to the balcony with JR, I am falling in love with his snuggles! A couple BBC reporters were back this morning and set up a live cast from the balcony. The balcony was quickly filled with volunteers and babies and soon Molly and Joyce with a couple of kids from the Toddler House, the BBC was conducting a free flow discussion on post- earthquake and the controversal issue of international adoption. This was amazing, as I got to listen to a couple of Haitian staff tell their stories about thier earthquake experience and how it has affected them to date. My appreciation and respect has grown twofold. ( I think you can find the Archive if you are interested in hearing it)
The broadcast ran into lunch and we were ALL eager to head downstairs to fooooood! Spaghetti with hotdogs sauce- a meal that is VERY Haitian, was well welcomed.
In the afternoon some headed back up to Fort Jacques to organize the supplies, I stayed back to finish the School Sponsorship and to unpack the donations we brought with us. It was a long afternoon and I was SOOO hot, I really need to climatize soon or I am going to melt away.
It was amazing to see what Hope and I could cram into our donation packs- I took pictures but I cannot upload here at the Toddler House where we sleep I will try and get a chance to upload some tomorrow at the Main House.
After dinner (which was AMAZING, chicken, corn and mashed potatoes :)) we had our prayer session, I really enjoy these as it is a time for ALL staff and volunteer to get together and just reflect. Because we have so many people here this week we did it on the balcony, watching the sunset behind the mountains singing amoungst amazing people it can really take your breathe away.
Our last song was "Ill Fly Away" this song was one we used when my Grampa passed away 4 years ago, I will forever think of him when I hear this song and I also hold a very strong connection with my Grampa and my Haiti experiences. As many of you know he passed away hours before I landed home from my first trip to Haiti- I talked to him 3 days earlier and many say it took everything in him to talk and converse but he didnt let on (he was suffering in his last days of cancer) he wished me well and had no intention on having me come home prematurely. He supported me in everything I did and I carry that love and support with me on every trip. Tonight I felt him with me and always reminding me of why I am here! Ironically it is his birthday tomorrow- Happy Birthday Gramps I love you and miss you everyday.

I am thankful for the early night tonight and I will be taking the time to sit and relax and gather my wits so I can take in everything tomorrow has to offer.
I promise to try and post some pictures tomorrow I know you are all so eager to see this Haitian Sensations!
All the best xo

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