Today was quite the day- let me tell you! As you can tell my first week here has been incredibly busy, little down time and lots of go go go! Today was no exception, we were scheduled to have the main house fumigated for coachroaches (they are everywhere- they usually surprise you when you go to open a cupboard!!), so everything needs to be taken out of cupboards, all the staff and babies need to evacuated to avoid the fumes. So 4 of us stayed at the main house to help out and the rest of the group of volunteers headed up to the property in Fort Jacques to pack bags for distribution that will happen next week. The 4 of us helped bring up all the babies (both from the NICU- tiny babies, and the big nursery) approximately 35 in total plus the nannies, nurses and other staff on a balcony we are used to sharing with 10 individuals max. Quickly there was fussing and crying and dirty diapers, fighting and jealousy, lap sharing (no less than 2 babies on our lap at a time), it was all very exciting at first as I sat with my teeny baby B in one arm and another bigger babe in another but soon I grew tired. The kids just seemed to be soooo cranky, it was a very hot day and some were feverish and some just overtired/ hungry or thirsty. I have grown to really appreciate what those nannies do all day every day. THEN we found out that the people had not shown up to spray still at 12:30, so we had been enduring for NO reason, finally the staff just went and pruchased the materials and did it themselves, we were able to bring the children down around 3:30 (a highlight for me was being about to carry down the two preemie babies- A and J they are no bigger than 3 pounds each and they are just so incredibly cute- carrying one in each arm they weighed almost nothing), we did the weekly thorough clean of the balacony (sweep, mop and soak all the toys in a bleach/ water mix) and then took a much needed break until dinner.
Sitting at the computer again trying to upload a picture or two (no success) I noticed the cockroaches running out, the first reaction is to run and scream like a crazy white person and for some reason I just turned and stomped right on it---> James who is Dixie and John's foster son, he is around my age turned and said "I am proud of you for not screaming" not even 5 minutes later another one came running towards us and Robin turned, ran and SCREAMED, we died laughing!
Still sitting in the computer/ lobby area chatting a women and a couple Haitian children walked in, after talking to this women for a bit we found out she was a Canadian women who had adopted 2 boys from GLA about 4 years ago, the three girls with her today were her two son's biological sisters, their mother died a week before the earthquake and their father disappeared thereafter and they are now seperated amoungst family members. She told us she was interested in adopting the youngest girl as the two others were too old to be processed through GLA- she talked to Dixie and I am nto quite sure what the verdict was but she approached again after, the little girl had been sitting on Hopes lap and I kept trying to talk to her and even talking in Creole she was super timid and if she answered is was to quiet to hear. The sisters told us that she hadn't smiled since thier mother died, it was devastating to see such a broken spirit in a child. I probed more to learn about the older girls, they were so sweet and I learned that neither were attending school, their aunts and uncles they were living with could not support their tution and thier cousins tuition took priority- again my stomach clunched--> who knows what future these girls would have with no education. This is not a result of the quake, this is the situation in Haiti preceeding the quake.
Not only does such interactions remind me how incredibly lucky I am to have been born in North America, but they remind me of the realities so many choose to ignore, I can only hope that the publicity following the quake and the aid and development projects since proposed will mean a positive transition up for Haiti as a whole.
Headed to bed soon- it is a hot night and I am burnt so I am not looking forward to the muggy sleep.
More tomorrow...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Somewhere between who I am and who you're making me...
Another amazing day, I am TOTALLY meant to be here! This morning we headed down early to try and upload some pictures but it just doesnt seem to want to let me do it anywhere so hang tight and I will work on it over the next couple days.
I was up on the balcony this morning playing with Miss. W- she was a ball of energy and very free giving with the smiles and giggles all I have to do is kiss her up or say her name and she smiles HUGE!
My balcony time was cut short this morning, a couple of us were asked to go up to Fort Jacque again and do some sorting and prepare supplies for distribution. Hope, myself, Robin and
Margaret, Dave and Colleen headed up there and we were SUPER productive and we had alot of fun doing it. First we moved around some boxes and organized material, we had to sort through boxes that were leaking shampoo and soaps and repack and clean them. We had a packed lunch of mystery meat sandwiches (not my fav) and cold Coke! After lunch we made a whole bunch of hygiene packs that will go in the distribution bags that we will either send to other charities and missions or distrbute ourselves in the surronding communities/ tent cities. These hygiene packs had one face cloth, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo and lotions. We had alot of fun in our assembly line and made a dent in the to-do list.
Returning back to the Main House Hope and I decided we needed some baby love, I took little B up- he is SOOOO tiny but is snuggles are amazing, he quickly fell asleep and I ate up every minute of it.
After dinner we went to do "bonnuit tibou" (goodnight kisses)- the babes are all lotioned and powdered up in their jammies - we sat on the floor and were attacked- we laughed and played! Mr. M who is an amazingggg little boy who is just waiting to go home runs around that nursery like he owns that place when you say "I love you" he says it right back, he was sitting on my lap and I said "Ti Bou" and he gave me a kiss smack dab on the lips! I LOVED the goodnight ritual tonight and you can just tell the kids loved the kisses and waited eagerly as we made our way through.
When we drove back up to the Toddler House we were a bit early tonight so all the kiddies were out playing, again we were attacked! These kids are FULL of energy I sat on the tarmack and they were right in my face, making faces, giggling, playing with my camera.
Today was just one of those days that I enjoyed every minute, I was able to let loose love up those babies and realize how incredibly lucky I am to meet these children and be a part of their lives. Every time I return I grow, I learn and I change--> right now I am somewhere between where I was 4 years ago before setting foot in Haiti and who Haiti is making me.
Haiti Cherie je t'aime.
More tomorrow .... thinking about you all at home tonight loving you all!
I was up on the balcony this morning playing with Miss. W- she was a ball of energy and very free giving with the smiles and giggles all I have to do is kiss her up or say her name and she smiles HUGE!
My balcony time was cut short this morning, a couple of us were asked to go up to Fort Jacque again and do some sorting and prepare supplies for distribution. Hope, myself, Robin and
Margaret, Dave and Colleen headed up there and we were SUPER productive and we had alot of fun doing it. First we moved around some boxes and organized material, we had to sort through boxes that were leaking shampoo and soaps and repack and clean them. We had a packed lunch of mystery meat sandwiches (not my fav) and cold Coke! After lunch we made a whole bunch of hygiene packs that will go in the distribution bags that we will either send to other charities and missions or distrbute ourselves in the surronding communities/ tent cities. These hygiene packs had one face cloth, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo and lotions. We had alot of fun in our assembly line and made a dent in the to-do list.
Returning back to the Main House Hope and I decided we needed some baby love, I took little B up- he is SOOOO tiny but is snuggles are amazing, he quickly fell asleep and I ate up every minute of it.
After dinner we went to do "bonnuit tibou" (goodnight kisses)- the babes are all lotioned and powdered up in their jammies - we sat on the floor and were attacked- we laughed and played! Mr. M who is an amazingggg little boy who is just waiting to go home runs around that nursery like he owns that place when you say "I love you" he says it right back, he was sitting on my lap and I said "Ti Bou" and he gave me a kiss smack dab on the lips! I LOVED the goodnight ritual tonight and you can just tell the kids loved the kisses and waited eagerly as we made our way through.
When we drove back up to the Toddler House we were a bit early tonight so all the kiddies were out playing, again we were attacked! These kids are FULL of energy I sat on the tarmack and they were right in my face, making faces, giggling, playing with my camera.
Today was just one of those days that I enjoyed every minute, I was able to let loose love up those babies and realize how incredibly lucky I am to meet these children and be a part of their lives. Every time I return I grow, I learn and I change--> right now I am somewhere between where I was 4 years ago before setting foot in Haiti and who Haiti is making me.
Haiti Cherie je t'aime.
More tomorrow .... thinking about you all at home tonight loving you all!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Reminded everyday!
Waking up sooooooreeeee today! Every inch of my body hurt as I climbed down from the bunk this morning but all is good!
The walk was awesome this morning, quick pace with many many BONJOU's along the way, I LOVE witnessing "haiti newbees" take everything in, I love sharing my love for this country- its people, the environment and our beautiful babes!
This morning Hope, Stephanie and I started on some office work, as Melanie is leaving next week for good and has a LONG to-do list. We organized the files for the School Sponsorship program, this program is for sibilings of children who have been adopted out of GLA, forever families or any supporter can sponsor those sibilings remaining in Haiti to attend school, a program once very small is now ENORMOUS!
Needing some baby break I headed up to the balcony with JR, I am falling in love with his snuggles! A couple BBC reporters were back this morning and set up a live cast from the balcony. The balcony was quickly filled with volunteers and babies and soon Molly and Joyce with a couple of kids from the Toddler House, the BBC was conducting a free flow discussion on post- earthquake and the controversal issue of international adoption. This was amazing, as I got to listen to a couple of Haitian staff tell their stories about thier earthquake experience and how it has affected them to date. My appreciation and respect has grown twofold. ( I think you can find the Archive if you are interested in hearing it)
The broadcast ran into lunch and we were ALL eager to head downstairs to fooooood! Spaghetti with hotdogs sauce- a meal that is VERY Haitian, was well welcomed.
In the afternoon some headed back up to Fort Jacques to organize the supplies, I stayed back to finish the School Sponsorship and to unpack the donations we brought with us. It was a long afternoon and I was SOOO hot, I really need to climatize soon or I am going to melt away.
It was amazing to see what Hope and I could cram into our donation packs- I took pictures but I cannot upload here at the Toddler House where we sleep I will try and get a chance to upload some tomorrow at the Main House.
After dinner (which was AMAZING, chicken, corn and mashed potatoes :)) we had our prayer session, I really enjoy these as it is a time for ALL staff and volunteer to get together and just reflect. Because we have so many people here this week we did it on the balcony, watching the sunset behind the mountains singing amoungst amazing people it can really take your breathe away.
Our last song was "Ill Fly Away" this song was one we used when my Grampa passed away 4 years ago, I will forever think of him when I hear this song and I also hold a very strong connection with my Grampa and my Haiti experiences. As many of you know he passed away hours before I landed home from my first trip to Haiti- I talked to him 3 days earlier and many say it took everything in him to talk and converse but he didnt let on (he was suffering in his last days of cancer) he wished me well and had no intention on having me come home prematurely. He supported me in everything I did and I carry that love and support with me on every trip. Tonight I felt him with me and always reminding me of why I am here! Ironically it is his birthday tomorrow- Happy Birthday Gramps I love you and miss you everyday.
I am thankful for the early night tonight and I will be taking the time to sit and relax and gather my wits so I can take in everything tomorrow has to offer.
I promise to try and post some pictures tomorrow I know you are all so eager to see this Haitian Sensations!
All the best xo
The walk was awesome this morning, quick pace with many many BONJOU's along the way, I LOVE witnessing "haiti newbees" take everything in, I love sharing my love for this country- its people, the environment and our beautiful babes!
This morning Hope, Stephanie and I started on some office work, as Melanie is leaving next week for good and has a LONG to-do list. We organized the files for the School Sponsorship program, this program is for sibilings of children who have been adopted out of GLA, forever families or any supporter can sponsor those sibilings remaining in Haiti to attend school, a program once very small is now ENORMOUS!
Needing some baby break I headed up to the balcony with JR, I am falling in love with his snuggles! A couple BBC reporters were back this morning and set up a live cast from the balcony. The balcony was quickly filled with volunteers and babies and soon Molly and Joyce with a couple of kids from the Toddler House, the BBC was conducting a free flow discussion on post- earthquake and the controversal issue of international adoption. This was amazing, as I got to listen to a couple of Haitian staff tell their stories about thier earthquake experience and how it has affected them to date. My appreciation and respect has grown twofold. ( I think you can find the Archive if you are interested in hearing it)
The broadcast ran into lunch and we were ALL eager to head downstairs to fooooood! Spaghetti with hotdogs sauce- a meal that is VERY Haitian, was well welcomed.
In the afternoon some headed back up to Fort Jacques to organize the supplies, I stayed back to finish the School Sponsorship and to unpack the donations we brought with us. It was a long afternoon and I was SOOO hot, I really need to climatize soon or I am going to melt away.
It was amazing to see what Hope and I could cram into our donation packs- I took pictures but I cannot upload here at the Toddler House where we sleep I will try and get a chance to upload some tomorrow at the Main House.
After dinner (which was AMAZING, chicken, corn and mashed potatoes :)) we had our prayer session, I really enjoy these as it is a time for ALL staff and volunteer to get together and just reflect. Because we have so many people here this week we did it on the balcony, watching the sunset behind the mountains singing amoungst amazing people it can really take your breathe away.
Our last song was "Ill Fly Away" this song was one we used when my Grampa passed away 4 years ago, I will forever think of him when I hear this song and I also hold a very strong connection with my Grampa and my Haiti experiences. As many of you know he passed away hours before I landed home from my first trip to Haiti- I talked to him 3 days earlier and many say it took everything in him to talk and converse but he didnt let on (he was suffering in his last days of cancer) he wished me well and had no intention on having me come home prematurely. He supported me in everything I did and I carry that love and support with me on every trip. Tonight I felt him with me and always reminding me of why I am here! Ironically it is his birthday tomorrow- Happy Birthday Gramps I love you and miss you everyday.
I am thankful for the early night tonight and I will be taking the time to sit and relax and gather my wits so I can take in everything tomorrow has to offer.
I promise to try and post some pictures tomorrow I know you are all so eager to see this Haitian Sensations!
All the best xo
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I am BACK :)
Hello all! this is my third attempt at blogging so I may leave out details I tried to include out of mere frustration.
Yesterday was a long day of travelling, full of delays but landing in Haiti was exactly how I wanted to end that day. Attempting to prepare myself for the changes I might see--> the first was the lack of clapping when we landed, Haitians usually clap, and they did not this time- this saddened me I really hope it is not a reflection of their broken spirit.
Many changes were present at the airport, we no longer walk of the plane with steps onto the tarmack, instead we walked off into a terminal and were herded through a hallway and down stairs until we reached a set of doors which were once the entrance into immigration. Throughout we could see the stress fractures and structural damage resulting from the quake and aftershocks. We walked out of those entrance doors onto busses that ushered us to the other side of the airport, through immigration (I swear he wasnt even looking at the forms) and into the luggage area. Many warned me this would be the biggest hassle as the conveayer wasnt working- thank goodness it was working!!! I have become much more confident in this hectic setting and I bussled around collecting our many bags. We walked out different doors through a different umbrealla area to our awaiting truck. 4 years ago this scene would have made me very umcomfortable- but this time I handled it like a pro! We were laughing throughout and packed the bags in the truck screaming "alle alle"! The drive up was LONG but we were silent, me especially as I took in the new scene! Hundreds of tent cities, buildings collapsed and debris everywhere- but the hussle and bussle were still the same and I was more than estatic to be back in HAITI.
We arrived at GLA approximately 2 hours late, walking into the end of dinner time. Hugs all around, I quickly fell into the routine and was excited to show Hope around!
We ate dinner and headed up to the Toddler House where we are sleeping, the volunteer quarters are FULL atleast until the end of the week, Hope and I got the top bunks, which arent too bad bc we get the windows.
Awesome sleep and a beautiful wake up to the mountains and the babies conversing.
I successful guided Hope, myself and the other new volunteer Shelley down to the Baby House! I REMEMBERED! Once at GLA I was assigned my 4 babies (last year I had 8 but because they have less children now I have 4 so I have them each for 2 hours a day), Hope has not been assigned children yet, because she has a shorter stay so she may be assigned at the end of the week or she may just work with whoever is available.
My four babies are beautiful- but of course they are they are Haitian ;)
One is baby B many may know him from Dixie's blog but he is not even 2 months old. I am his first volunteer and there to snuggle and love him up!
My second babe is W, she is a beaut!!!!! She is very very tiny but turning 1 next month, the first time I had her up today she fell asleep the second time she was a bundle of energy and we played all around the balcony.
My third little guy is Mr. JR he is GORGEOUS and a huge snuggle bug! I fell in love with him within second- we are going to have an awesome 2 months together.
My 4 buddy is E, we went on a long walk today but I havent had a chance to actually play one on one with him- so more details to come.
I was exhausted by the end of the day, but we ate dinner quickly and headed up to the new property in Fort Jacque where the new orphanage is being built to unload 4 transport trucks full of emergency supplies that were just released from the dock in port. Lots of volunteers and some GLA staff formed a LONG assembly line receiving new cribs, babie supplies, LOTS of diapers, medical supplies, clothes, shoes, tents and other necessities. 4 hours later we have returned COVERED in dirt, split lotion and soap and exhausted. I just finished my first cold shower of my stay and I welcomed every second of it. But for now it is super late and I am super exhausted. I will write more soon.
Thanks to all who are rooting for me back home. Miss you all and love you lots!
Yesterday was a long day of travelling, full of delays but landing in Haiti was exactly how I wanted to end that day. Attempting to prepare myself for the changes I might see--> the first was the lack of clapping when we landed, Haitians usually clap, and they did not this time- this saddened me I really hope it is not a reflection of their broken spirit.
Many changes were present at the airport, we no longer walk of the plane with steps onto the tarmack, instead we walked off into a terminal and were herded through a hallway and down stairs until we reached a set of doors which were once the entrance into immigration. Throughout we could see the stress fractures and structural damage resulting from the quake and aftershocks. We walked out of those entrance doors onto busses that ushered us to the other side of the airport, through immigration (I swear he wasnt even looking at the forms) and into the luggage area. Many warned me this would be the biggest hassle as the conveayer wasnt working- thank goodness it was working!!! I have become much more confident in this hectic setting and I bussled around collecting our many bags. We walked out different doors through a different umbrealla area to our awaiting truck. 4 years ago this scene would have made me very umcomfortable- but this time I handled it like a pro! We were laughing throughout and packed the bags in the truck screaming "alle alle"! The drive up was LONG but we were silent, me especially as I took in the new scene! Hundreds of tent cities, buildings collapsed and debris everywhere- but the hussle and bussle were still the same and I was more than estatic to be back in HAITI.
We arrived at GLA approximately 2 hours late, walking into the end of dinner time. Hugs all around, I quickly fell into the routine and was excited to show Hope around!
We ate dinner and headed up to the Toddler House where we are sleeping, the volunteer quarters are FULL atleast until the end of the week, Hope and I got the top bunks, which arent too bad bc we get the windows.
Awesome sleep and a beautiful wake up to the mountains and the babies conversing.
I successful guided Hope, myself and the other new volunteer Shelley down to the Baby House! I REMEMBERED! Once at GLA I was assigned my 4 babies (last year I had 8 but because they have less children now I have 4 so I have them each for 2 hours a day), Hope has not been assigned children yet, because she has a shorter stay so she may be assigned at the end of the week or she may just work with whoever is available.
My four babies are beautiful- but of course they are they are Haitian ;)
One is baby B many may know him from Dixie's blog but he is not even 2 months old. I am his first volunteer and there to snuggle and love him up!
My second babe is W, she is a beaut!!!!! She is very very tiny but turning 1 next month, the first time I had her up today she fell asleep the second time she was a bundle of energy and we played all around the balcony.
My third little guy is Mr. JR he is GORGEOUS and a huge snuggle bug! I fell in love with him within second- we are going to have an awesome 2 months together.
My 4 buddy is E, we went on a long walk today but I havent had a chance to actually play one on one with him- so more details to come.
I was exhausted by the end of the day, but we ate dinner quickly and headed up to the new property in Fort Jacque where the new orphanage is being built to unload 4 transport trucks full of emergency supplies that were just released from the dock in port. Lots of volunteers and some GLA staff formed a LONG assembly line receiving new cribs, babie supplies, LOTS of diapers, medical supplies, clothes, shoes, tents and other necessities. 4 hours later we have returned COVERED in dirt, split lotion and soap and exhausted. I just finished my first cold shower of my stay and I welcomed every second of it. But for now it is super late and I am super exhausted. I will write more soon.
Thanks to all who are rooting for me back home. Miss you all and love you lots!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
and we are off.....
Thank you to everyone for all your support over the past year, contributing money and supplies to make this trip possible :)
I have one personal baggage packed and two supply bags, Hope has two bags as well so we are well stocked and are eagerly awaiting are departure.
A reminder I will be at GLA from April 26- June 30th.
Stay tuned and I will be making a great effort to share my experiences, upload pictures and keep everyone in the loop.
All the best!
I have one personal baggage packed and two supply bags, Hope has two bags as well so we are well stocked and are eagerly awaiting are departure.
A reminder I will be at GLA from April 26- June 30th.
Stay tuned and I will be making a great effort to share my experiences, upload pictures and keep everyone in the loop.
All the best!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
1 week today...
Monday, April 12, 2010
I can taste it!
For anyone who has ever been to Haiti you know very well that the smells, the sounds and the energy of Haiti sticks with you and it is not something you can kick ;) I am so close I can taste it!
2 finals, 5 days of new job training, one graduation bbq and 13 days away!
I appreciate everyone's support and prayers during these incredibly busy last two weeks!
All the best!
2 finals, 5 days of new job training, one graduation bbq and 13 days away!
I appreciate everyone's support and prayers during these incredibly busy last two weeks!
All the best!
Friday, April 9, 2010
I can breathe!!!!
SO for those close to me, you know I have been going through a long interview process for an amazing job with an organization called Me to We which is a sister organization of the world renowned charity called Free the Children. Well.......... I GOT THE JOB :) I am elated/relieved/nervous!!!! Thanks to all those who supported in me and had confidence in me when I didn't!!! Couldn't have gotten here without you all!
My title is: Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Coordinator!
Very excited! but now I must attend to the pile of school work I must finish :)
My title is: Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Coordinator!
Very excited! but now I must attend to the pile of school work I must finish :)
Reliving the days...
My university career is coming to an end. Last class today with just one paper, one take home and 2 finals before I am no longer a student here at the University of Guelph. I am looking forward to the liberating feeling but it is going to be incredibly hard to say goodbye to Guelph which has become my home and even harder to say goodbye to the incredible people who have been by my side through the rollarcoaster that was these last 4 years. The pictures below are some of my best memories of my university career.
4th year!

4th year!

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