Let me introduce you to the many facets of my life:

I am a daughter....
and a VERY proud big sister....

I am a friend....

and an active global citizen...
I am ME! I accountable to myself and I am driven by my OWN passion and my OWN goals!
" Waiting too long at the crossroads waiting for the light to change"
It is true.. I am coming terrifyingly close to the end of my university career- I know I have been counting down the days, reminding everyone who will listen that the end is near... but the truth is i'm a little scared.
I am eagerly researching what comes next, putting in resumes, narrowing down my interests and hoping and praying something will come through- I have gotten some exciting "signs" that everything will be alright, everything will work out but stubborn me still needs to dwell and stress and worry.
I havve been forced to look inwards, what makes me TICK? what am I willing to sacrafice to get where I want to go? what am I not? what do I want?-- not what others want me to do, what is going to make me happy? what is going to help me grow? all this "ME" talk makes me uncomfortable, I am much more comfortable helping others, providing an ear/ a shoulder whatever is needed for those around me as they struggle, but right now I must be selffish and I must take this opportunity to look within and really figure out the next step.
I am (trying to be) confident that my hard work, my committment and my passion will carry that much further ....
Stayed tuned :)
Stayed tuned :)
All the best!
I have a heart for many!
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