Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A little day trip

After weeks of the same old landscape it was time for a change up. Sunday afternoon a co worker and I took off for a little adventure… to check Asia’s largest man made lake—2nd in the world.

The drive was awesome, a different landscape- hills, greenery without the honking of horns, swerving to avoid cows, or the usual craziness of the one lane roads . At one point I was momentarily picked up and transported home- it looked as if i was driving a back road in Ontario- Ohhh was a treat!

Jasiamand Lake was beautiful, large and expansive- it was as overcast, cool day (which is regarded as a beautiful day here when the norm is sunny and scorching).  I was the only foreigner around- the shore was crowded with local visitors with the very same idea for a Sunday afternoon adventure.IMG_8630

It wasn’t until I realized my co workers intention that my stomach formed knots- his idea of ‘taking in the lake’ was boarding a ferry to the island resort. Me? Take a rickety boat? on a lake? ARE YOU KIDDING?

I didn't have the luxury of being TOTALLY candid- after all my irrational fear of open bodies of water should not be shared with all the world’s people- instead I voiced my distrust but ultimately worked up the courage to disembark. IMG_8631

Satyameet signing our lives away…  IMG_8634

Don’t let the smile fool you- I was SO anxious!


My carefree escort!


I insisted on sitting at the back of the boat to equal out the weight distribution…but this only brought me closer to the water- SILLY GIRL!

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Why there were food rations on a boat that was not to travel for longer than 10 minutes… beats me?!


I made it! It wouldn’t say it was the most relaxing Sunday afternoon but nevertheless I was thankful for the opportunity to get out and have a little experience of my own- after caring for the experience of hundreds of young people the last couple weeks!

Hopefully I get to see more of this beautiful country with some down time due in September! Stay tuned….

Friday, July 13, 2012

Absence makes the heart grow fonder…

Cheesy maybe but SO true. I had no idea how much I would miss those close to me when I couldn’t make a visit happen on a whim.

It sure is hard to be away from my little bros- their world changes to often and I sure hope they remember their big sister -who is across the ocean- is thinking of them everyday.

And then there is the parents… I’ve got 4 of them…they all support me, challenge me and encourage me in so many ways. The time away has made me SO thankful for these 4 fine individuals!

My fam, my friends, my pups, my little ‘niece’ and ‘nephew’s, my coworkers- a note to all of you…. SEPTEMBER can’t come soon enough!

Aside from missing y’all I have been so incredibly busy. We currently have 4 groups of youth here in Udaipur, we have seen 3 groups leave already and we have 2 groups that have yet to arrive.

It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks- so incredibly challenging and overwhelming. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t question my own sanity for choosing to take this all on… but nevertheless I continue to push on. I find those moments- however fleeting- to remind myself of the bigger picture and the ripple affect of my long hours, little sleep and intense stress!

Because my personal life is pretty non existent these days I have turned to exercise as an outlet and a minimum of an hour a day just for me. Yes I sometimes have to check a text message or answer a call mid squat but HEY- I am trying here!

And it all seems a little bit more manageable when I have some friendly faces floating in and out of my day…. last week a good friend arrived in country and  I have never been SO grateful for a squeeze!
Britt and Bria

I will be home in T- 77 days! See you soon? and in the meantime stay tuned!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Don’t sweat the small stuff… or DO!

I have been challenged, tried, tested, pushed… and so lately I have found comfort in small ‘wins’- relishing in the small stuff.

The phone calls with good friends at home- having honest encouraging chats and maintaining that connection to the incredible support network that awaits me at home. Also the lovely surprise photos sent with love  “your boys miss you!”


The 5 minute skype call with the little bros, the seemingly meaningless conversation that keeps me smiling through to the next day. “Brittnei doesn’t live in India she lives in Toroooooonto!!!”- Dawson (4) to Dennis (8)

The long awaited arrival of a friend here in Udaipur… the LONG hug and midnight chats. The subsequent belly laughs in the days afterwards… feels SO good to genuinely LAUGH and about the silliest things.

The pro bono fix of the tights malfunction- that hole seemed like the end of the world that day. (Check out that ‘henna-d’ beard!)


Finding oregano and basil in the grocery store after MONTHS of searching for me… and the subsequent eggplant lasagna that I made in celebration.

The debut of the Disney video filmed in May and the relief of not looking as sweaty and gross as I felt when it was shot! Check it out

Taking a tally of these small wins makes those challenges much more manageable. I really am one lucky lady- having a fantastic family, phenomenal friends and opportunities for growth coming from every direction- what more can I ask for #realitycheck

(no I don’t have twitter- it just seemed fitting!)


Stay tuned!