Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tacky Tourist

I am usually hyper aware of cultural sensitivities and the necessity of cultural immersion. But I succumbed to the tacky tourist title the last couple days as I took advantage of some free time in Hong Kong.

Attempting to beat jetlagged I crashed hard on my first night, sleeping a whopping 12 hours- after We Day deprivation and 48 hours of travelling I think my body needed it. But it meant I woke up recharged and ready to explore on Day 2.

We headed out for breakfast, finding the city is rather slow to “wake up” at 10 am as we strolled the streets businesses and restaurants were just creaking open their door. We search for a restaurant with English translation on their menu, we came across a small restaurant on a side street, I ordered what looked somewhat familiar- Egg, Sausage and Noodle. What it turned out to be was Mr. Noodles with a floating fried egg and hot dog disguised as breakfast sausage. Not my first choice but I am trying to adventurous.

We then hopped on the subway and headed for the “Big Buddha” – we expected it to be touristy, busy and a bit tacky what we didn't expect was for it to be so powerful.

After about an hour on a subway and another 40 minute bus ride up the mountain side we stepped off the bus and looked up to find the enormous Buddha atop a mountain ridge.


Although I don’t practice the religion or really have a true understanding of the significance, you could feel the energy shift as you climbed the 200 steps to the platform.



On our decent we found these little tags hanging from the tree and was told they were wishes that people had made and left behind in Buddha's presence. I loved this!



We toured a beautiful temple and found many people lighting incense- it is meant to purify the surroundings and remember ancestors or a deity.

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We then participated in the Wisdom Path, a breathtaking depiction of a shared prayer of the Buddhist, Taoist and Shinto… the symbol of infinity.



These wooden planks have a Chinese prayer engraved and are laid out in the infinity pattern (figure 8). Pictures do not do it justice, it was breathtaking.


IMG_7568 The prayer talks about the idea that everything is interconnected and in constant flux. A deep appreciation of this idea of emptiness thus saves us from suffering caused by our egos, our attachments, and our resistance to change or loss.




It was a beautiful day and I appreciated the opportunity to explore and understand a little bit more.

Hong Kong has proven to be BEAUTIFUL, such a stark contrast sometimes between the city where we are staying and the outlying mountains and ocean coast.

Today we started our facilitation at the Hong Kong International School, a beautiful campus- check it out… this is outside the window in the cafeteria….


That’s all for now! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A day of “firsts”

Most definitely not in Kansas/Toronto anymore, everything is different yet not completely foreign. The streets are bustling, markets are brimming, I tower over most and most definitely stick out like a sore thumb but the city has captured my attention.

Hong Kong is incredible, I arrived this morning (Tuesday) after 19 hours in the air over 48 hours, the longest trip I have taken yet and landing with only a hotel name- with no direction. Tried, smelly and unattractive I asked around and finally found a safe bet- taking the train to Hong Kong Island where I then grabbed a taxi (first taxi alone in a foreign country- CHECK!). The hotel is small, the room is even smaller. After a quick shower and meeting up with my facilitation partner we decided to start the adventure.

Despite my lack of sleep I was able to keep up and had an amazing day.

Being the tacky tourists we are we took the “Peak Tram” up the mountain side where we could see the view of the island coast and beyond….


IMG_7491I preferred this view, the picture doesn’t do it justice I was beautiful!

In my glory as our adventures continued through markets- always my favorite attraction- the sights, the sounds and the glimpse inside the daily life, outside the tourist districts.



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Still plenty to do and see but this tired lady is packing ‘er in!

Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Send Off

I am surprised I still have friends, the little time I get to spend with them.

But, with We Day season over I found myself with a wide open weekend, that was quickly filled with quality time spent with friends sharing drinks and so many laughs!

Knowing I will be missing the Christmas season while I am gone, they all humored me with a “Merrygiving”- a American thanksgiving dinner for our American friend and an early Christmas dinner for me!

I prepared the roasted chicken while everyone else brought a side or a bottle of wine, the house filled quickly and the food disappeared just as quick

but the best part of all was the opportunity we had to connect, laugh and NOT talk about work!

I am  so thankful for this beautiful group of people- I couldn't have asked for a better send off.

As I write I am preparing to board my flight to Hong Kong, in a few short days I will be delivering a key note address to hundreds of students at a Service Summit for the Hong Kong International School. This is not my first speech, but this is the first speech I have written where I had 100% creative freedom and it is both exciting and terrifying!

Stay tuned! Much love!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Something you love…

I know officially have 3 We Day’s under my belt. And after each one I cant help but ask myself “WHY”

My whole body hurts (especially my feet), I’m exhausted, drained, I miss my friends and family after days upon days of work, I feel disconnected… and the list goes on… and for what?

Well it is for….

that five minutes when I get to step into the bowl when Romeo Dallaire is on stage asking the young people if they are any better than the children fighting in wars – and listen as thousands of them

scream NO!

Working away and feeling the energy shift when Michel (an ex child solider) step on stage and delivers a silent speech using cue cards. Asking everyone to take the Vow of Silence, to stand in solidarity for those who are silenced by poverty, disease, and exploitation. You could hear a pin drop.

I am bombarded by those thousands of young people  later when they flood the concourses wearing We Day swag- inspired, empowered and excited to change the world. Passing out high fives like they are going out of style.

Yes it is a lot of work… but I get the privilege to be a part of something that is SO big, SO important- who cares if my feet hurt a little. I LOVE MY JOB.

You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you. - Maya Angelou

We have one more We Day of the year, heading off to Winnipeg for the first EVER We Day in the ‘peg! I have no doubt it will blow all of our socks off!

Then off to Hong Kong to deliver a keynote address at a Service Summit, and then jet setting to India to lead another youth volunteer trip.

Again… I love my job! Stay tuned!