Monday, January 31, 2011

When one door closes, another door opens.

These past few days have been a whirlwind. I received some difficult news on Saturday afternoon- the trip I would be co leading in March has been cancelled due to the risk that is associated with the scheduled presidential elections scheduled for the same week.

I was heartbroken, not only had I worked so hard to prepare and attend all the prep meetings- but I was really looking forward to getting back to Haiti- a light at the end of the tunnel for me.

After I pulled myself out from under the cloud of self-pity I searched for another way to get back…… so back to GLA I go. I will have the opportunity to reconnect with the babies I left behind 8 months ago and spend time with the staff that I have come to love!

Although the details still need to be worked out and a couple minor hurtles still need to be surmounted… I am elated.

I can’t hardly wait!

See you soon Miss W and Mr. E !

Friday, January 28, 2011

A life worth remembering?

How do you want to be remember?
Yes a big question.... but one worth asking yourself.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Have Faith

5 months Ago I doubted I would be able to bring in enough money to cover the cost of another trip to Haiti.

Working for a charity doesn't leave much disposable cash for a plane ticket and the other costs associated with travel.

I reached out, I wrote letters, and much to my amazement….

I fulfilled my goal and have completed my fundraising for my trip to Haiti this March 2011 with 47 days to spare.

A GINORMOUS thank you to every who gave- you know who you are.

Another equally big thank you to all those who have supported me in other ways.I am forever grateful.

Stay Tuned for updates and trip blogs.

Much love.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Was this written for me?

“More and more, the desire grows in me simply to walk around, greet people, enter their homes, sit on their doorsteps, play ball, throw water, and be known as someone who wants to live with them. It is a privilege to have the time to practice this simple ministry of presence. Still, it is not as simple as it seems. My own desire to be useful, to do something significant, or to be part of some impressive project is so strong that soon my time is taken up by meetings, conferences, study groups, and workshops that prevent me from walking the streets. It is difficult not to have plans, not to organize people around an urgent cause, and not to feel that you are working directly for social progress. But I wonder more and more if the first thing shouldn’t be to know people by name, to eat and drink with them, to listen to their stories and tell your own, and to let them know with words, handshakes, and hugs that you do not simply like them, but truly love them.”   ~ Henri Nouwen

Just about to shut the computer down and head to bed…  and this crosses my path. I feel as though it were written for me.

Find Peace.

Walk with the people.

Know them by name.

Let them know you truly love them.

If you call my name out loud

“Do you suppose that I would come running
Do you suppose I'd come at all
I suppose I would


And if I was gone from the land we know
Would be the dawn
And let your beauty still show
And if you were walking
And heard the cold night coming
Would you call my name
'cause you know I'd come running

You know I would. You know I would.”


Listening to this song tonight I couldn't help but think of my babies, it has been 8 months now- for me it feels like just last week, for them I am not even a part of their memory. And truthfully this breaks my heart.



Knowing that my purpose was to love and to give with all my heart. I know I fulfilled my purpose.

They are now walking, talking and growing.

May 27th 090

I am thankful for that.

JR has gone home to his forever family. B has returned to his biological family, please GOD keep him healthy, safe and loved. W continues to develop into the beautiful little girl she will be. And I am told E is quickly developing is own personality.

Next time I come running- I will give more, I will love more and I will never regret that.

Mid May- 085

I will come running kiddos. You know I will.

Love and Peace.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

YES we feel your pain

I can't imagine how it felt...

But I felt your pain, turning on that tv crushed me in a way I could NEVER imagine, the tears, the anxiety and the frustration that followed will NEVER come close to the fear and the terror of that day for those THERE.

Today as I fast and reflect on the events 1 year ago today this song speaks VOLUMES to everything I am thinking and feeling.

1 year ago today, at 4:53pm Haiti's ground shook and shook the lives of so many around the world. Over 300,000 people died that day. Thousands have died as a result, and thousands continue to die due to the current Cholera epidemic. Although they are not out of the woods yet we must rejoice in the power and the courage display over the last year. They made it, we made it and we can only move forward.

Say a prayer, take a moment of silence and reflect.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2nd Annual Resolution Jam

Resoultion Jam 2011 075

4 Days post quake, Jan 16th 2010 we held our first annual Resolution Jam. We have an incredible outpouring of support that night…..

1 year later with a theme of “Youth helping Youth”…we were able to raise an incredible $3000 to allocate towards our youth projects through Rayjon Haiti.

Resoultion Jam 2011 061 We Make Magic Happen.

Thank you to all the amazing volunteers who helped make this incredible event happen.

And even bigger shout out to our INCREDIBLE performers.

Resoultion Jam 2011 007

Resoultion Jam 2011 041

Resoultion Jam 2011 049

Resoultion Jam 2011 071

Resoultion Jam 2011 076

A final THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support us. We couldn't have done it without you.

Until next year….


Here we are, a mere 24 hours until the 1 year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. Although I wasn’t in Haiti on the day of that tragic event, I feel as though my world shook along with them.

As we inch closer and closer I remember, I remember the heartbreak I experienced watching the news casts and reading any and ALL updates I could receive from my shocked and broken friends in Haiti.

I remember moving through the motions of a new semester, wading through crowds, appearing in class while my mind and heart were somewhere completely different.

First instinct was to get there, drop everything and be there. I remember the sleepless nights, the  tears shed and the heavy heart when I didn’t get on that plane.

I remember starting this blog, as an outlet…. to share my heart for Haiti with anyone and everyone who will listen.

and I remember the first glances. tent cities, crumbled walls, broken lives.

1 year later, little progress has been made, but the resilient and hopeful Haitians have made it through due to their hard work, collaboration and what little help they received from the international community.

Please keep Haiti in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple days, my memories and my heartache are NOTHING compared to the memories that haunt them everyday- lives lost, livelihoods destroyed and communities uprooted.

Join me in fasting THIS Wednesday. January 12, 2011. Remembering, praying, fasting in solidarity with our Haitian neighbours.

A good friend of mine, with a GINORMOUS heart for Haiti has shared this video with al of us. The song is incredible and the photos speak volumes.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Forever Grateful

To all of those who have provided me support both financially or emotionally I would like to thank you yet again. Over the last couple months I have been blessed with an outpouring of support to make my March 2011 trip back to Haiti possible. Both the encouragement, love and funds provided warm my heart and continue to fuel my passion for and commitment to Haiti.

As I count down the days until my return… 70…I am currently sitting at $970 raised…… with only a few hundred dollars left to go. This is amazing considering my numerous asks over the last couple years.

Every little bit helps.

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you again in a couple months. Please join me in keeping Haiti in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple days as we near the 1 year anniversary of the earthquake the shook us all.

Forever Grateful.

With a full heart,


Saturday, January 1, 2011


These beautiful faces make my heart warm and ache at the same time.