Saturday, February 20, 2010

Please dont forget about Haiti!

The rain continues, the pain persists, the injuries worsen and the needs get greater...

Please dont forget about Haiti!

Did you know.... that Haiti is on the same island as the Dominican- where MANY N.Americans vacation?

Did you know... that it takes less than 4 hours in air to travel to Haiti? Just an 1.5 in air from Florida?

Doesnt it make it harder to push the issues aside when you can draw those connections?
A favorite quote of mine drives this home

" No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the whole"

This suffering I remind you of is NOT a "world" away, these are our neighbours, our people, my friends.

I have gotten word of an awesome opportunity to donate- donate MUCH needed items to an amazing clinic (Real Hope for Haiti) currently struggling to address the needs of MANY people seriously injured during the earthquake. The Agape airline donated the use of a plane to bring over donations... those helping run the clinic have set up an account of Walmart registry where you can help donate items that will be shipped to Haiti without you even having to get off the couch!

please consider looking into this.... the link below explains the steps!

Please contact me if you have any questions.

The countdown is on for my return to GLA... 63 days :)

If you would like to keep in the loop re: GLA happenings take a read of the blogs posted on

Thank you for your continue support. Please continue to keep the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers!

All the best!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Not everyone will understand...

The spotlight has begun to shift away from Haiti.. people have given and have moved on. Unfortunately the pain and suffering has not ended, the Haitian people are only beginning to rebuild their homes, their neighborhoods and their lives but many are also stuck in a sort of 'limbo' with temporary shelter with a reliance on aid. From what I heard it has been raining in Haiti and I can only imagine how those sheet-tents are holding up, how many babies children and families are struggling to sleep soaking wet and hungry. This weekend the government has called for a 'holiday' in replacement of Carnival, where the Haitian people will fast and pray for their grieving country.

Not a day goes by that I am not thinking of and praying for Haiti. In just two and a half months I will be there, stepping off the plane and I can only imagine that my heart will break from what I see. Many are asking if I am 'prepared' and if I am 'confident' I should be returning. And to these people I say 'of course!' MANY do not understand my commitment to Haiti, and I sometimes struggle with the explanation- many don't want to hear it, many secretly judge and consider me unrealistic assuming I have my head in the clouds BUT I am not doing what I do to seek approval, I am not doing 'good deeds' so that I may look good to others or build an impressive resume.... I do what I do because I love it, I have found something that makes me incredibly happy and I am passionate about change and development---> perhaps that is selfish, I think sometimes that I gain more that I give but I know that somewhere I am making a difference.
Why Haiti?
When I first traveled to Haiti in 2006 I don't think I was prepared for how it was going to change me, how is was going to shape who I became and turn my 'set out plan' upside down.
In my first 8 days I experienced love, hope and resilience like I could NEVER experience in N. America, I witnessed smiles in the face of adversity, I learned that 'things' do not make people happy... people make people happy and that with a little hard work and determination everything is possible. Haiti is not the only place I have found this feeling---> I witnessed this resilience and determination in the face of the homeless people in Calgary (during my first year volunteer trip) and in the beautiful rural villages of Kenya and I am confident that wherever I travel I will find my passion at work. However there is SOMETHING drawing me back to Haiti, maybe because this was my first experience, maybe it is close to home but whatever it is I love it!
I have recently decided to apply for job positions in this 'field' I am not only passionate about work on the ground but I LOVE working with youth and encouraging the next generation to make a difference and NOW! Again, many people do not understand this, I am graduating in two months with a Honours BA in Criminal Justice and Public Policy- my friends are moving on to Law School, Law enforcement or masters... I know this is not for me. Instead I am going in the direction of my heart... for the first time in my life no one is dictating the next step and I am taking a huge leap.

Two and a half months I will be there and I know not until that day will I feel peace, it has been a month since my beloved country was ripped apart from an earthquake. Many of the familiar landmarks will be gone, the drive up will not be the same but I know my love for this country will never waiver.
Children continue to trickle through the gates of GLA, a couple very premature babies born in the adversity of the earthquake, many children given up as their parents have no other choice and some yet to be reunited with their family--> please continue to keep these children in your thoughts and prayers. Please also remember the staff and volunteers that live there and work tirelessly so that these children may achieve proper growth, development and happiness.
Please remember the children who we reunited with their forever families, this is not a easy transition not for the parents or the children. And of course urge our society to remember Haiti---> the need is great!
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me, I couldn't do what I do without you!
All the best!