Tuesday, December 28, 2010

5 years and counting

Wrapping up 2010 084

Annual Christmas Reunion- Haiti March 2006

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The dynamic duo (Maggie and Dianne)


Wrapping up 2010 086

My mentor for the past 5 years – this woman rocks my socks.

Wrapping up 2010 088

CHEERS to many more ladies….. so much love for all of you!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Blessings

When we count our many blessings it isn’t hard to see

That life’s most valued riches

are the treasures that are free.

For it isn’t what we own or buy that signifies our wealth

Its the special gifts that have no price- our family, friends and health….

And WOW am I ever blessed.

With 2 sets of incredible parents who support me, challenge me and love me unconditionally.

5 amazing little brothers who help me grow and teach me so much in their innocence, individuality and outpouring of love.

A huge, expanded family- has taught me so many life lessons both blatant and inherent.

Amazing friends both near and far. Those who are by my side day in and day out and those who are not as close but provide the same closeness, love, support and good times from afar. I am able to learn from and with each and everyone of them.

A heart for social justice, equality and hope.

Incredible life experiences, the ability to travel to Haiti and Kenya and develop my own individuality, passion and drive.

A future that is bright and limitless.

As Christmas quickly approaches I am challenging myself to reflect on these many blessings and ensure that everyone on this list above knows exactly how thankful I am for them.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.

Charles Henry Pierre- Nou sonje ou

Charles Henry

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Haiti lost a good man this week….

Rayjon’s in country director Dieudonne wrote to inform us that Haiti has lost a good man this week.

Just writing to inform you that this morning our dear Charles Henry Pierre, our driver, carpenter, teacher, electrician, construction supervisor, car maintenance man, friend, security guard, everything to the organization, to the work, counselor, DJ, the kids father at the orphanage, soccer coach, boarding school superintendant, everything to us and to all,  the core of the organization, died suddenly. A slight fever on wednesday evening, spent the day at home on thursday, and became worse this Friday  AM, took him to the hospital died  on the way to the hospital, the doctors and nurses all  his friends too, tried to revive him, he did not respond.”- Dieudonne

This is a man who brought me great comfort during my visits to Haiti, not only did he ensure our safety but his warm smile and gentle heart made him a valued friend to so many.

I distinctly remember Charles smirking in the rear-view mirror has he shared his Haiti with fresh eyes.

I remember his cologne- as it was a familiar scent from home- my dad’s scent. This brought me such comfort on my first venture away from home.

I remember his kind smile- he was quiet but that smile spoke volumes.

I remember when he picked me up from GLA, our second meeting. Tears streamed down my face as I said tough goodbyes and anxiously embarked on the second half of my trip. He comforted me as we made the long drive to St. Marc, I learned a lot about him that day.

We didn't speak the same language but somehow we communicated throughout my stay. It will not be the same without him this March.

Please keep our staff, community members and of course Charles’ family in your thoughts and prayers.

Haiti lost a GREAT man this week. You will be missed Charles.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Haiti election UPDATE

For those of you interested. Haiti held its 3rd democratic elections on Sunday November 28th, despite concern over proceedings the count was distributed today- Tuesday Dec 7. Because neither of the leading candidates received 50% of the vote, the top two will go through to a second round in January 2011.

The top two candidates:

1. Former first lady Mirlande Manigant

2. Government “technocrat” Jude Celestin


May the "best” candidate win!

Work that is close to my heart

As many of you know, I work for a NGO called Free the Children and the associated social enterprise Me to We. A lot of the work I do stems around leadership, social activism and engaging youth in the social movement of moving from “me'” thinking to “we” thinking. We do this in various ways, through programs developed within the schools, through independent social justice camps, motivational speeches and global leadership seminars. As a staff we develop modules that engage our audience to start thinking about and challenging the various social issues going on domestically and internationally. I was recently asked to put together a issues modules on Haiti and its contributing issues. Although I cant share the entire piece with you (because it is very visual and not electronic) I would like to share some of the research I did, mainly through statistics and facts.

Haiti’s population wavers around 10 million people.

60% of those live in abject poverty.

70% of the 10 million people live on $2 a day.

GDP= $480.53 per person per year

Average life expectancy= 61 years

1 in 8 children will not reach their 5th birthday.

50% of people living in the cities HAVE access to clean drinking water. Only 30% of people in the rural regions do.

40% of Haitians DO NOT have access to basic health care.

The National Literacy Rate is 53%, less than 75% of school age children go to school. Why?

School tuition costs approximately $12 a month.

$12 + uniform + books/ pencils + lunch on $2 a day?

Haiti has experienced 7 severe natural disasters in 5 years.

The second most recent, an earthquake. That killed over 300,000 people.

Injuring thousands more.

$5.3 billion were pledged from the international community.

And here we are, a grim look at Haiti’s basic statistics. What are the solutions? I was asked this very question, and this is where I am stumped. WHAT ARE THE SOLUTIONS?

In whose hands is Haiti’s future?

Yours, mine, theirs, ours?

Friday, December 3, 2010

March 15, 2011 couldn’t come soon enough

“Aren’t you nervous?”

“Do you think you should be going with everything going on over there?”

“Does your family worry about you when you travel there?”

- the quotes of so many I encounter


“A person may cause evil to others not only by their actions but by their inaction, and in either case they are justly accountable to them for the injury.”
John Stuart Mill

- the quote I choose to listen too

Mwen retounen Ayiti an…..


…. but whose counting?

What do politics have to do with it?


A solid, dependable leader could bring stability to the economic market:

= stable market prices and food prices

= dependable income and just employment opportunities

= restoration of agricultural sustainability

A fair and just leader could shed light on the wavering education system:

= knowledge is power, with education comes development, with education comes a break in the cycle of poverty, with education comes a future

A transparent, accountable leader could restore faith throughout the country

= safety

= hope

= health

We are still waiting on the November 28th election results due Dec 7th; however speculation remains- will the votes count?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

M’ap sonje ou anpil

Today I held a baby… for the first time in months, only this baby was plump, blue eyed and beautiful. It felt awkward a first… like it was my first time trying to comfort a baby. She looked up at me with a sceptical look and immediately turned her head to scan the room for her mommy. Was I no good at this anymore?

Then I remembered those long days of baby loving… those days I began to take for granted. Those days I sometimes complained about the amount of diapers I changed or the droll I endured.

Those days I would give ANYTHING to have back.

Holding that baby this morning made me long for those snuggles, the unconditional love they poured into me. My babies didn't scan the room for someone else- they looked for ME, they wanted ME, they smiled at ME when I walked in the room.

And as I held that baby it made me miss them even more, not a day goes by that I don’t think of them, but as I sit here tonight with the first quiet time all weekend I cant help but relive those little moments…

  • The mornings when JR spent our time alone together on the balcony, he wasn’t interested in the toys or games he would crawl up on my lap and fall asleep. Just the two of us.

End of Week 2 & Week 3 044 The wknd 019

Mid May- 086May 28 001

  • When W pulled herself up in her crib all by herself and found my face with a huge smile- just waiting for the congratulations and big kisses to come her way.

33405_466891934045_559489045_6370458_2769568_n End of Week 2 & Week 3 040 End of Week 2 & Week 3 083

  • When E took his first steps… for ME! one… two… three.. plop! followed by a GIANT smile, a bump scoot and a squeeze

Last couple days 048 Last Night and Day 008 Mid May- 092 Mid May- 091

  • When B smiled from ear to ear with a little love and encouragment.

May 27th 029 May 27th 023
These are the moments I will remember for ever.

Dear JR, W, E, and B:

M’ap sonje ou anpil – I remember you, I miss you very much.

Tonight these are my hopes for you,

I hope tonight someone comforts your cries, I hope someone kisses your forward and makes you feel loved. I hope someone tucks your powdered little face into bed with a promise of a good day tomorrow. I hope someone plays your favourite games with you tomorrow and awards your naughty behaviour with even more love and affection. I hope you know that you ARE loved and you are in my thoughts tonight.

Bon nuit timoun, bon nuit.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Haiti Elections this SUNDAY

My heart hurts tonight for Haiti.

19 Presidential candidates running…. which one of them is going to make the right choices?

which one is going to take people out of these tent cities?

which one of these are going to curb the cholera epidemic that has already killed more than 1300 people in 1 month?

which one of these is going to make a sizeable difference in the social climate of this hurting country?

which one of these is going to lead an accountable, transparent government?

which one of these is going to bring these people forward?

Rene Preval  (current president) is one of 2 presidents voted in democratically. He is also one of few to have finished out his entire term.

What does the future hold for Haiti?

Bom Bom Tere

I have watched as woman rolled dirt and flour in water to make mud cakes… a snack that would taste horrible…. but fill their stomach.

What are you eating for dinner tonight?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A whirlwind weekend….

has come to an end.

This is a weekend I have been looking forward these last couple weeks for a couple reasons.

1. 2nd Annual Starvathon- connect with the trip participants whom I will be leading to Haiti in March and facilitating some activities that I had been preparing for quite some time!

2. Connect with my “Haiti people”, friends I have made over the years that share the same passion as I do which makes for an incredible connection. Especially seeing the faces of those who returned from Haiti after a turbulent week!

3. Getting HOME to visit my family.

The 2nd Annual Starvathon was a GREAT success, everything went smoothly… considering! and we received great feedback. We have yet to hear how much we raised for Rayjon (TBA).

The excitement for my upcoming trip is mounting!

Starvathon and Visit Home 001

Starvathon and Visit Home 036 Starvathon and Visit Home 037


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Starvathon and Visit Home 072

Thank you to ALL who made this such an incredible success… until next year :)


A visit home always has a way of grounding me… OH! how I enjoy those excited smiles, hugs and kisses upon my return…. the excited puppy greeting me with his own love and affection and the laughs and entertainment that comes with getting caught up on all the “new” happenings and developments around the house!

Starvathon and Visit Home 113

Starvathon and Visit Home 116

Starvathon and Visit Home 119

Starvathon and Visit Home 107

Starvathon and Visit Home 098 Starvathon and Visit Home 099

Much Love,


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The situation in Haiti heats up!

Rioting has swept Cap-Haitien in response to the outbreak, which has killed more than 1,100 people. Access to the area by humanitarian groups and aid workers has been severely curtailed by the violence. The UN has said the riots were instigated by political factions in the run-up to a presidential election..

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/denies+accusation+over+Haiti+epidemic/3841456/story.html#ixzz15ZqD50PV\

A team from Rayjon is currently stuck in Cap- Haitien because of these roadblocks and unrest, please pray for their safe and timely return!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Vow of Silence this FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19th

Join forces with the thousands of people who will be giving up their voice for 24 hours in solidarity with those children that are silenced by poverty and exploitation.
Give up YOUR voice, that means- no texting, no facebook, no tweeting!
Check out the website below.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be….

Everyday I am standing in front of young people talking about the person I used to be and the person I am today, everyday I reflect on this very point in the hopes that I encourage some of those young people to make a change.

I wasn’t a trouble teen, I wasn’t causing trouble, .. the problem was I was doing NOTHING. In high school I was more concerned with getting good grades, spending time with friends and getting to soccer practices and games… that I spent very little time giving back.

We all have our triggers, those motivators that spark us to move in a direction that we want to go and need to go but haven’t pushed ourselves. For me that spark was a presentation I saw back when I was in grade 9….nine years ago now.

This presentation was a  grade 12 student describing her trip to Haiti! As she described the communities she visited, the culture she learned about and the poverty she witnessed and I knew that was something I wanted to do. Here was an opportunity to challenge myself to grow and experience something that was way outside of my little world.

Those 10 days in Haiti would make me question everything I knew. I saw a little girl that was wearing shoes two sizes two big so that she could share with her siblings. I saw homes that were made of sheet metal and rock and I watched as kids rolled dirt and flour in water to make mud cakes. A snack that would taste horrible but fill their stomachs.

I came home from that first trip with a new sense of appreciation for what I had. For the first time I felt lucky to have a grocery store stocked full of my favourite foods, I looked forward to family gatherings rather than dreading time away from friends. And I took note of the simple things, the clean bed, the nice house and the safe neighbourhood. And I began to realize the power that I now had to make positive change that was so desperately needed.

So many people have asked me WHY HAITI, WHY YOU, WHY STILL? And this is my story, this is what I share with youth everyday and this was my start. Its been 5 years since that first trip, and I have returned back 2 times with another trip booked in 5 months time.

My hope is that over the next 5 months I can prepare enough to be the leader I want to be. I hope that the 22 sets of fresh eyes waiting eagerly for that first trip will feel comfortable in my hands.

My new goal is to learn more Kreoyl, I always struggle with the language barrier and this is something I am taking very seriously. I cannot wait to try out my new found language skills in 5 months time. If anyone has any suggestions/ tips/ resources please pass them along :)

And tonight like every night I am thinking about those babies I left behind 4 months ago now, those babies that left such an impression on my heart it hurts to think about them. I know someone is giving them each the love and attention they deserve, but I wish I was me!

B,W,E,JR and all of the other Angels I am thinking about you tonight!

Much Love,


60 Minute Special on Haiti

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pick Me Up’s



Walk the Talk- Aid Facts in Haiti

So many of us with connections to Haiti know that transparency and accountability are often lacking with "development" and international involvement. Reliance and depedance should be avoided; however in light of recent events- hurricanes, earthquake, Cholera, Tomas etc. internatonal assistance and pledge has proved NECESSARY. Unfortunately, we continually fail to walk the talk. In fact we are ALL talk and very LITTLE action.
I wanted to share some recent statistics that I have come across.

US$6.036 billion was pledged for Haiti in NYC on March 31, 2010, for the following 18 months in all fields of spending—government, international agencies, charities and ngo’s. Of that, $886 million is for debt relief.
• As of September, $1.940B has been pledged for 2010. That’s 32% of the total March 31 pledges. Of this amount, $1.317B has been disbursed or committed. That’s 22% of total pledges. The U.S. has committed zero for 2010.

Canadian funding
• In NYC on March 31, Canada said it is committing US$632 million to Haiti for 2010/11. This includes funding already promised to Haiti in Canada’s pre-earthquake, CAN$555M aid budget for the years 2006-2011. CAN$150 million was spent up to March 31, 2010; none of this went to the Haitian government.
• Of the US$199M promised for 2010, Canada has disbursed $44M, or 22%.

Who is demanding transparency? Are we too trusting? What is the solution here?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dear: Thomas - Please slow down!

Please continue to keep Haiti in your thoughts and prayers as Tropical Storm Tomas threatens to hit Haiti on Friday. At this time the storm has been downgraded to a tropical depression but there is some debate over whether it could move into a Category 1 or 2 Hurricane by Friday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Their problems did NOT disappear with the spotlight.

January 12th Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake, an earthquake that last 35 seconds but left the Haiti I knew literally unrecognizable.

7 months post quake- a presidential election is announced- let the unrest begin! Haiti has a long history of political corruption and instability- much turmoil and anguish surrounds the democratic process.



Nearly 10 months post quake and 1.3 million people are still living in unsuitable living conditions- homemade tents, sheets propped up on sticks, dirt floors. Rainy season lives on!

Nearly 10 months post quake Haiti makes the news yet again- A Cholera outbreak- it is estimated that there have been over 330 deaths with thousands infected.


  • Lack of Clean Water
  • Lack of Sanitation
  • Lack of Treatment
  • Lack of Suitable Living Conditions
  • Lack of Action

Haiti will make the news yet again as a tropical storm “Thomas” threatens to ravage this devastated island. Please keep the Haitian people in your thoughts and prayers.



I am not sharing this information so you feel guilt, I am sharing this information so that you feel RESPONSIBLE. Responsible to care, responsible to act, responsible to stay knowledgeable. We are not citizens merely within our own communities, we are global citizens- responsible to our neighbours to the North, South, East and West of us.

Please do something, within your own means, to help! It could be as simple as spreading the word- share the link to this blog post, share the to the various articles. Haiti needs our help- now in crisis and our partnership for years to come.

Their problems did not disappear with the spotlight.

Tomorrow’s Starting Now….

“If you’re out there”- John  Legend

If you hear this message, wherever you stand
I'm calling every woman, calling every man
We're the generation
We can't afford to wait
The future started yesterday and we're already late
We've been looking for a song to sing
Searched for a melody
Searched for someone to lead
We've been looking for the world to change

If you feel the same
Then go on and say
If you're out there
Sing along with me
If you're out there
I'm dying to believe that you're out there
Stand up and say it loud
If you're out there
Tomorrow's starting now
Now, now
No more broken promises
No more call to war
Unless it's love and peace that we're really fighting for
We can destroy hunger
We can conquer hate
Put down the arms and raise your voice
We're joining hands today
Oh I was looking for a song to sing
I searched for a leader
But the leader was me
We were looking for the world to change
We can be heroes
Just go on and say
If you're out there
Sing along with me
If you're out there
I'm dying to believe that you're out there
Stand up and say it loud
If you're out there
Tomorrow's starting now
Now, now
Oh now, now
If you're ready we can shake the world
Believe again
It starts within
We don't have to wait for destiny
We should be the change that we want to see

If you're out there
If you're out there
And you're ready now
Say it loud
Scream it out
If you're out there
Sing along with me
If you're out there
I'm dying to believe that you're out there
Stand up and say it loud
If you're out there
Tomorrow's starting now
If you're out there
If you're out there
If you're out there
If you hear this message, wherever you stand
I'm calling every woman, calling every man
We're the generation
We can't afford to wait
The future started yesterday and we're already late

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A friend in need…. read how YOU can help!

Hello Friends! I am writing today on behalf of a very good friend of mine, her name is Rhyan Buettner and I have the pleasure of working alongside her the past two summers in Haiti. She is recently taken on the incredibly rewarding challenge of supporting an orphanage in the heart of Haiti, she has taken on this commitment with its associated challenges and rewards- she is truly an awesome lady! 

At this time she is calling on YOUR help- she is in need of CHILDREN’s GRAVOL in liquid form preferably but the chewable and suppositories could also be helpful. If you have access to this or know someone who could help/donate/ put me in touch with someone would could please contact me ASAP. I am needing to collect these materials and send them off to the USA before she departs for Haiti yet again at the end of next week.

Please email me directly at britt_berri@hotmail.com

Please check out her blog and read more about what she is doing: www.becausehecalled.blogspot.com

Thanks in advance!

In Haiti Love,
